JULY 15 – JULY 19

Grades: PK – K
Instructor: Jackie Fox

Half Day: 9 am to 1 pm
Days: Monday – Friday
Cost: $295

Full Day: 9 pm to 4 pm
Days: Monday – Friday
Cost: $375

Science – Did you know that everything a computer does is controlled by lines of a special language? This language is called code. Join us on our mission to become coders! First, learn to be a responsible digital citizen and safely navigate the digital world. Put your persistence to the test as you learn to sequence and create loops in code to make an event occur. Will your characters be able to complete their mission?

Technology – Even though code looks like a foreign language, it’s a language that anyone can pick up with some practice. Meet KIBO, the screen-free robot, and learn to communicate with KIBO using wooden blocks of code. Teach KIBO to perform a variety of tasks and dances! Meet the Coding Mice, a fun system to teach a robot to move in any direction. Can your Mouse find the cheese?






Grades: PK – K
Instructor: Jackie Fox

Half Day: 9 am to 1 pm
Days: Monday – Friday
Cost: $295

Full Day: 9 pm to 4 pm
Days: Monday – Friday
Cost: $375

Science – Did you know that everything a computer does is controlled by lines of a special language? This language is called code. Join us on our mission to become coders! First, learn to be a responsible digital citizen and safely navigate the digital world. Put your persistence to the test as you learn to sequence and create loops in code to make an event occur. Will your characters be able to complete their mission?

Technology – Even though code looks like a foreign language, it’s a language that anyone can pick up with some practice. Meet KIBO, the screen-free robot, and learn to communicate with KIBO using wooden blocks of code. Teach KIBO to perform a variety of tasks and dances! Meet the Coding Mice, a fun system to teach a robot to move in any direction. Can your Mouse find the cheese?

Art – Take on the look of a programmer! Translate your name into binary code, and design a bracelet to showcase it. Continue to practice your binary skills by solving a color mystery that can only be cracked with this special coding knowledge. Invent your own space alien, and use a pixel grid to bring your alien to life – just like Space Invader!

Outdoor Fun – Embrace your inner code master! Compete against your peers to decipher a secret message in record time. Construct new songs as you follow the music around the wheel of code. Communicate in code with your team to successfully pass your treasure around the room, and take on the role of human